2023 Agri-Pulse Ag & Food Policy Summit: Tara Smith Set to Speak



Tara Smith will be representing the Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Bureau at this year’s Agri-Pulse Ag & Food Policy Summit. Smith will be on a panel discussing the intersection of climate, conservation, and crop insurance alongside Dan Christenson from PepsiCo, Andrew Lentz from the Environmental Defense Fund, and Chuck Conner from National Council of Farmer Cooperatives. Click here to view the agenda. Click here to register for the event.

Speakers Include:

MORE INFO: https://www.agri-pulse.com/2023-DC-Summit

Every Day, Another Delay: Analyst shares fear over more Farm Bill delays

Newsmakers: July 12, 2024: Rep. David Rouzer, R-N.C., Ray Starling and Barbara Patterson on WOTUS, Prop 12 and rural voters

Newsmakers: June 28, 2024: Rep. Tracey Mann, R-Kan., on CRP rental rates, international food aid programs; Katie Naessens and Joe Gilson on farm bill status

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Every Day, Another Delay: Analyst shares fear over more Farm Bill delays

Newsmakers: July 12, 2024: Rep. David Rouzer, R-N.C., Ray Starling and Barbara Patterson on WOTUS, Prop 12 and rural voters

Newsmakers: June 28, 2024: Rep. Tracey Mann, R-Kan., on CRP rental rates, international food aid programs; Katie Naessens and Joe Gilson on farm bill status

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