Weekly Food and Agriculture Update – 2.14

February 14, 2023


  • Big Picture Overview
  • What We Are Watching
  • Notable News
  • Contact the Team

Big Picture Overview

Congressional Update 

This week, the House is in recess and the Senate is in session. Throughout the week, the Senate will focus on nominations as well as hearings. More details on hearings can be found in the “What We Are Watching” section below.

The Congressional Budget Office is set to release the baseline funding estimate for the 2023 Farm Bill on February 15. The report will lay out a non-binding estimate for Farm Bill reauthorization. However, lawmakers suspect there will not be an increase in the budget. 

Executive Branch Update

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced the availability of funding for agricultural producers and forest landowners nationwide to participate in voluntary conservation programs and adopt climate-smart practices. The funding is made available from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) passed last year, which provided an additional $19.5 billion over five years for Natural Resources Conservation Stewardship (NRCS) programs that promote climate smart agriculture. Specifically, $850 million will be allocated for “oversubscribed programs,” including the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP), and Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). More details can be found here.

Sec. Vilsack also announced an initiative to support water and land management in the Western United States — The Western Water and Working Lands Framework for Conservation Action. Through the framework stakeholder feedback was used to identify areas of challenges and strategies to assist producers who face those challenges. As part of the framework, the WaterSMART Initiative will invest $25 million in priority areas through the West. Click here for additional details.

What We Are Watching

Wednesday, February 15 

  • 10:00 AM EST: Senate Environment and Public Works hearing to examine the future of low carbon transportation fuels and considerations for a national clean fuels program. 

Thursday, February 16 

  • 10:00 AM EST: Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry hearing to examine the 2023 Farm Bill, focusing on nutrition programs. 

Notable News

Contact the Team

Feel free to contact Michael Torrey, Tara Smith, Cassandra Kuball, James Glueck, Barbara Patterson, Katie Naessens, Caroline Snell, Danielle Nelson, Julie McClureJacqueline MuhammadAshley Willits, Perry Harlow, or Tracy Boyle with any questions or comments. 

Food and agricultural organizations that need the right results in Washington, D.C. can trust Torrey Advisory Group to put its relationships, reputation, and expertise to work on your issue. Since 2005, the firm has successfully provided legislative and regulatory guidance, issues management, and association management services to a wide variety of clients. Learn more about us at torreydc.com. 

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